February 29, 2024

Staex completes its indexing tool for devices on peaq



Staex completes its indexing tool for devices on peaq

What is happening?

Staex has released the first version of its indexing tool for peaq IDs, completing the first milestone of its Ecosystem Grant Program.

Why is it important?

The indexing tool will give builders and the peaq community a quick and convenient way to get an overview of all devices connected to the peaq blockchain. 

What does it mean for the community?

The indexing tool makes it easier to keep track of the ecosystem’s expansion and will unlock new monetization options for machine owners who connect their devices to peaq.

An address book for peaq IDs

A peaq ID is one of peaq’s Modular DePIN Functions, working as a machine’s multi-chain passport allowing it to identify itself — and anyone and anything it wants to interact with. Think of it as a username or an email address, something you can go by in all of your online interactions. But with peaq, it’s not just trading memes: a peaq ID is a machine’s crucial tool for selling and buying data, earning rewards, and doing pretty much anything else in the peaqosystem.

Just as with email addresses, though, the fact that you have one doesn’t necessarily mean that all of your friends can drop you a line. For that to happen, you obviously have to share your address first. Or at least they’d have to find it in some sort of an address book, a 21-century version of the old school yellow pages,.

So the indexing tool that Staex just built is basically that — an address book, but for peaq IDs. Staex is a secure public network for connected devices which joined peaq to provide decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePINs) in the ecosystem with a Web3 connectivity solution. As its first step toward that, its new tool allows anyone to check the IDs that have been created on the peaq blockchain and displays them all on a convenient dashboard. From there, people can look up further data on any given machine, such as its type or location, as long as it has been provided by the owner. 

Here is how it works under the bonnet. The indexer queries the peaq ID pallet, which is peaq’s module handling these IDs. It goes through the events in this module, such as ID creation, and finds all of the IDs that were created throughout the blockchain’s existence. From there, it lists them on the dashboard alongside the additional data, with several options for filtering the devices for a more advanced search.

The first version of the indexing tool is available at this link, showcasing its functionality on a few simulating devices on peaq's testnet agung, and the GitHub repository is available here. The future updates will see a variety of updates on the user interface side, including an option to query a machine for access at a price listed by the owner. For example, after finding a smart thermometer in an area of interest, a researcher would be able to purchase its readings through the indexing tool.

Ecosystem Grant Program milestone 1 has been unlocked.

“We are happy to be kicking off the first version of the indexing tool for peaq. As we are working to expand its functionale, we are certain that it will come to be one of the most useful tools for the peaq community, including machine owners and those looking to leverage their machines. We are looking forward to moving on with this collaboration and expanding our engagement with peaq and its ecosystem.”

— Dr. Alexandra Mikityuk, CEO of Staex

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