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January 18, 2024

AYDO joins the peaqosystem



AYDO joins the peaqosystem

What’s happening? 

AYDO has joined the peaqosystem to bring smart home devices to Web3. The integration will link its platform with peaq, enabling people to outfit their devices with peaq IDs and earn rewards.  

Why is it important?

The integration will enable AYDO to power a decentralized physical infrastructure network (DePIN) of smart homes on peaq for a variety of potential use cases, such as next-generation Airbnb stays and rental agreements.

What does it mean for the community? 

AYDO-powered smart homes will amp up the network activity on peaq and unlock new use cases and dApps, generating value for everyone.

AYDO brings smart homes to the Economy of Things

“Alexa, turn my lights on.”

Tired of fumbling in the dark on those awful, early Monday mornings? How about hiding under the covers until your house slowly heats up or keeping track of your food supply? With home automation, such problems go away. Your thermostat keeps the room as warm as you like it, the lights turn on if you ask them, and your smart fridge emails you your shopping list. And it helps you cut down on food waste, too! 

The convenience is amazing, right? In fact, the global smart home market is expected to grow to more than $680 million by 2030 as more and more people begin relying on the technology. However, the convenience of Web2 smart homes comes at a price as corporations use our devices to study our daily routines and collect private data.

AYDO is building a Web3 alternative with a platform that will enable IoT devices like smart lights and smart plugs to exchange data and send it to any supported blockchain. With the ZigBee protocol, it will support over 3,000 devices and allow smart home owners to manage them on a privacy-first platform. Among its prospective use cases are smart rental contracts or Airbnbs that reward tenants for not exceeding set noise levels at set times or limiting their use of energy. 

Now, AYDO is integrating with peaq to bring smart homes to Web3. In addition to linking its platform with peaq, AYDO will allow users to create self-sovereign peaq IDs for their devices, and set up the decentralized data storage mechanism and user reward rules. Through apps on Android and iOS phones, people will be able to manage their devices. Additionally, these apps will introduce compatibility with peaq control, peaq’s tool for managing and earning from connected machines and devices.

AYDO enables a variety of prospective use cases on peaq, from a platform for long- and short-term rentals to carbon credits for smart houses using green energy and markets for data picked up by private temperature and humidity sensors. It gives people true ownership over their own property, without any Big Tech flies on the wall and with options to monetize some of the data for their own profit. 

“Data is at the core of most IoT apps, and AYDO gives people back control over this data. peaq was made with IoT needs in mind, which makes for a lot of synergy between the two projects. We are excited to be moving ahead with this integration and linking our platform with the blockchain that’s tailor-made for DePIN.”

— Oleksandr Markin, CEO of AYDO
“This integration makes for a major boost for the DePINs building on peaq, giving them a versatile tool for connecting millions of devices into living and breathing networks. I am certain that AYDO will bring a lot of value to the peaq ecosystem.” 

— Till Wendler, co-founder of peaq

The integration with AYDO expands peaq’s presence in the smart home industry, following last year’s integration with Home Assistant, one of the most popular open-source smart home platforms in the world. The integration enabled DePINs on peaq to tap into the plethora of devices and services integrated with Home Assistant, making it easier for people to connect their devices with peaq. 

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