August 6, 2024
NetSepio joins the peaqosystem

In a nutshell: NetSepio has joined the peaqosystem to build a DePIN for global decentralized VPN services. This places peaq at the heart of the new data privacy and online security paradigm and could add tens of thousands of devices to the peaqosystem. You will be able to browse the web securely and privately by using NetSepio’s VPN services and earn rewards for sharing your bandwidth and contributing to the network.
Next-gen privacy
Our online privacy has long been under attack as online businesses farm our sensitive data to spoon-feed us hyper-targeted ads. With the rise of AI, the most data-hungry industry of them all, this assault on privacy will only accelerate. So if you don't want to be another number in a spreadsheet, a VPN is a must, as it allows you to securely browse the web by obfuscating your location, IP address, and identity.
But what if your VPN provider is also collecting and reselling your data? As paradoxical as this might sound, it isn’t unheard of.
NetSepio is changing the game by tapping the Web3 stack to decentralize VPN and Wi-Fi services. And it has chosen peaq as its home.
Anyone can join NetSepio’s Erebrus network and earn rewards for sharing their bandwidth with people who want to privately browse the Web or access geo-fenced applications. Enterprises can sponsor VPN for their end users and expand their reach and user base. The network uses zero-knowledge proofs to ensure the users’ privacy by validating authenticity of nodes and peers. It also leverages community insights to proactively detect possible threats, granting the community an additional level of security. The VPN service runs on NFT subscriptions, which can be purchased with crypto in a pseudonymous way. In its beta phase, it has already onboarded 500 users and has grown to 10 nodes, with dozens more to join.
As part of its integration with peaq, NetSepio will make its network of VPN and Wi-Fi nodes discoverable via peaq, using peaq IDs as its identity standard. It will deploy the smart contracts running its business logic on peaq and add real-time status reporting for the nodes. Finally, it will deploy its dApp on peaq mainnet and mint its token on peaq.
“Our online footprint has never been hunted as vehemently as it is today. NetSepio is here to grant everyone the last-mile connectivity and privacy they deserve, leveraging the DePIN model to give the community ownership over the very infrastructure that delivers it the VPN and Wi-Fi services. By leveraging peaq's secure, scalable, and versatile network, Erebrus Protocol offers reliable, high-speed Internet access while ensuring data integrity and privacy, perfectly aligning with our mission to democratize Web access and security.”
— Shachindra Kumar, CEO and Founder of NetSepio
“Privacy is a core Web3 value, and a decentralized VPN service is perfectly aligned with its ethos. With its Erebrus network, NetSepio is giving the world a community-owned VPN service secured by trustless Web3 mechanisms and top-notch encryption. We are thrilled to see it join peaq, the home of DePIN, and look forward to its launch and growth.”
— Leonard Dorlöchter, co-founder of peaq
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