February 1, 2023

peaq is now on Dework



peaq is now on Dework

In a nutshell: Earn crypto for getting hands-on with building peaq by doing tasks posted on Dework. Head here, login with your Discord account, add your crypto wallet, and browse the open tasks. If anything catches your eye, complete it, submit the results, and get your reward.

Howdy there, partner. How’s that Web3 frontier be treatin’ ya? Yer a quiet one, partner, must be one o’ them silent protagonist types… Well, step right ‘ere, we always got a job for a savvy bounty hunter, whether a wordsmith, a code-slinger, or a moving pictures maker — and we be payin’ good.

Okay, no more cowboy speak. It just fits so well here. We all know this scene where the Peacemaker-wielding rider checks out a bounty board, picks up a poster promising a hefty amount of dollar bills for Dirty Harry or Harriett The Hag, and rides off into the prairies to chase the target down. Through Dework, a Web3-native project management application, we’re setting up something similar, minus the prairies, Peacemakers, and beans. There’s still a ton of exciting stuff involved, though, and best of all, we’re offering good rewards to prospective Web3 bounty hunters.    

So without further ado, let’s dive in.

What’s Dework?

Those of you working in tech are probably familiar with applications like Monday.com or Trello, project management tools that help companies coordinate and monitor the active tasks, deadlines, stages, reviews, and all the other work routines. You have a bunch of bins, like “Not Yet Started”, “In Progress”, or “In Review”, and tasks, which you can drag and drop from one bin to another based on the task’s status. Simple, but helpful.

Dework is a project management tool for the Web3 space. It enables Decentralized Autonomous Organizations and other blockchain-native organizations to manage their workflows and set up bounties for specific tasks. Anyone in the community can take a stab at those, and if the organization accepts their output, they receive a set reward in crypto. It is a very handy instrument that blurs the line between the company and community, enabling enthusiasts to get hands-on with the projects they are passionate about and receive a reward for their contributions. This approach is very much in line with the Web3 ethos as well as peaq’s vision of an open, permissionless digital space enabling communities of machine owners to build and profit from their machines, so joining this was a no-brainer.

You can log into Dework with your Discord account. Just head here and do that, we’ll wait. To be able to receive your bounties, you also need to connect your wallet to Dework. To do that, click on the cog symbol next to your profile picture in the lower-left corner and head to “Settings” to link up a WalletConnect-compatible wallet. You can find the full list of supported wallets in Dework’s documentation here.

Done? Awesome! Now, let’s get to the bounties.


Time to buidl!

Dework enables users to get even more involved with the projects they love, and peaq is joining the platform to welcome contributions from the community, with fair rewards for participants. We’re not just looking for coders — the bounties will include writing content, recording videos and tutorials, and other activities. Anyone can contribute, really. 

Sounds exciting? We hope so! If you’re following us on Discord (and if you’re not, you totally should), you can check out the “community-challenges” channel: All the new bounties will pop up there, and you can discuss the open ones there too. Anyways, head here to get started — that’s the main dashboard, your HQ for all things peaq and krest on the platform. 

In the “To Do” bin, the one on the left, you will see all the tasks that are currently open. If you want to only look for some specific tasks, let’s say only the ones that involve writing, click the “Filter” button next to the search bar in the upper-right corner of the dashboard and set up your filters in line with your preferences. The “Sort” button next to it will help you arrange the open tasks by bounty, importance, or other variables.

If one of the open tasks catches your eye, you can click on its ticket to read the description, which usually features a hefty brief clearly outlining the job at hand, the requirements, the preferred submission format, and more. Under the description, you will find the comments section, where you can leave a note if something isn’t clear, and the button that will enable you to take on the task. Depending on the specifics, it will either enable you to apply for it, or will take you straight to creating a new submission. 

Once you’ve submitted your video, Medium post, script, or whatever the task specified, we will review the submission and see if it meets the requirements. If it doesn’t, we may either reject it or request edits and tweaks. If it does, we’ll be getting to the best part — your reward! Early on, we will be paying off the bounties in good ol’ silver dollars… Ahem, in USDC. Further on, though, the bounties may shift to krest or peaq tokens, the respective currencies of our canary chain and mainnet.     

And this is it, really. As simple as this, you can make the Economy of Things real and build the peaq network, earning rewards the Web3 way. 

You in, partner?

We ride together