Use Cases

Build any app for connected machines, anywhere.

Machines exist in all four domains: land, sea, sky, and space. peaq provides everything you need to build apps (DePINs) for vehicles, robots, and devices in any domain.

DePIN Use Cases

DePIN stands for Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks. These apps use tokens to incentivize people 
to deploy hardware to build real physical infra networks.

Electric Car Charging
Peer-to-peer electric car charging. Enabling any car to charge at any charging station with no intermediaries.
Ride Sharing
Decentralized ride sharing application which is owned, maintained and governed by the drivers and users of the app.
Electric Bike Sharing
Organizations and individuals can rent out electric bicycles for long or short periods on a peer-to-peer basis.
Electric Scooter Sharing
E-scooter sharing application which any provider can offer scooters on, without having to go through a centralized app.
Wind Energy Trading
Generate wind energy via wind turbines on your property and sell it to distributors or users, peer-to-peer.
Solar Energy Trading
Generate solar energy via solar panels on your property and sell it to distributors or users, peer-to-peer.
Power Tool Lending
Lend out DIY machines like power drills and chainsaws to people who need them for one-off jobs.
Food Delivery
By car or scooter, autonomous or not, food delivery done via dApps can be far more efficient and cost-effective for all.
Goods Delivery
The Instacart of Web3, you can have any good or product delivered to your door by vehicle, autonomous or not.
Autonomous Taxis
Autonomous taxis are fast becoming the status quo. Via a dApp, you can make them owned and controlled by the community they serve.
Scooter Taxis
Especially popular in the East, scooter-taxis offer a cheaper and often faster mode of transport to cars, especially when peer-to-peer.
Communal 3D Printing
3D printers cost a lot, but if crowdfunded and community-owned, they become far more accessible.
Fitness Tracker Data
Fitness trackers track some of our most intimate data. Now you can decide which data you sell to who, when and for how much.
Communal Humanoids
Humanoid robots can be owned by communities to perform repetitive or dangerous tasks, lowering the barriers to adoption.
Fully automated cafés already exist. The next step is for them to be owned and governed by the communities they serve.
Fully automated restaurants already exist. The next step is for them to be owned and governed by the communities they serve.

Community Shuttles
A dApp leveraging AI-powered vehicles for transportation services for specific communities such as the elderly or less able.

Connected Mobility Data
Monitor and analyze crowd-sourced vehicle data for more efficient and sustainable mobility solutions.

Traffic Monitoring
Collect and analyze traffic data for smart traffic management solutions from sensor data in cars or infrastructure.
Air Quality Monitoring
Monitor air quality and pollution levels in real-time with connected sensors crowdsourced by the community.

5G Networks
Build high-speed, reliable 5G networks with physical infrastructure crowdsourced by the community.
LoRaWAN Networks
Long-range, low-power Internet-of-Things (IoT) networks for a range of applications built with publicly-sourced physical infrastructure.

WiFi Networks
Build high-speed, reliable Wi-Fi networks with physical infrastructure crowdsourced by the community.

Real-Time Maps
Create decentralized, real-time maps (like Google Maps or Apple Maps) for a range of applications using crowd-sourced data.
File Storage
Securely store and share files on a decentralized network built with physical infrastructure crowdsourced from the community.
Data Storage
Store and manage data on a secure and reliable network built with physical infrastructure crowdsourced from the community.
Adult Toys
Data doesn’t get more intimate than this. Take back control of that data, and choose whether you want to sell it or not.
Vertical Urban Robo-Farms
Advanced urban farms that utilize robotics and vertical structures for efficient and sustainable food production in cities.

DAO-Governed Robo-Farms
Farms operated and governed by a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) for transparent and inclusive decision-making in agriculture.

Boat Renting
Organizations and individuals can rent their boats out to people on a peer-to-peer basis, reducing costs
Boat Sharing
Web3 Uber, for the sea. A peer-to-peer mobility service owned and governed by the people who use it.
Jet Ski Rental
Organizations and individuals can rent their jet skis out to people on a peer-to-peer basis, to maximize fun.
Sea Taxis
A decentralized ride sharing application which is owned and governed by the drivers and passengers who use it.
Sea Deliveries
Delivery of food, goods, products and equipment from shore to boat, by boat, autonomous or not.
Sustainable Fishing
Autonomous robots can be used for fishing, especially the dangerous sort, with catch tracked on the blockchain.enerate solar energy via solar panels on your property and sell it to distributors or users, peer-to-peer.
Electric Boat Charging
Peer-to peer electric boat charging. Enabling any boat to charge at any charging station with no intermediaries.
Water Quality Monitoring
Monitor water quality and contamination levels with connected sensors connected by anyone, anywhere.
Drone Delivery (Food)
Food, grocery and product delivery can be done by AI-powered drone via dApps created for specific communities or goods.
Drone Delivery (Goods)
Web3 Uber, for the sea. A peer-to-peer mobility service owned and governed by the people who use it.
VTOL Air Taxis
OA decentralized platform that allows individuals and organizations to share access to VTOLs for transportation, reducing the need for private vehicle ownership.
Cargo Delivery
A dApp that utilizes AI-powered VTOLs for delivering goods and services to remote and hard-to-reach areas.
Community Farming
A dApp that utilizes AI-powered drones for monitoring and managing crops, and controlling pests and diseases.boat, by boat, autonomous or not.
Drone Internet
A dApp that utilizes AI-powered drones (balloons) to provide internet access to remote and underserved areas, share it with communities.
Drone Crop Monitoring
Real-time monitoring of crops using drones for improved agricultural management and decision-making.
Satellite Internet
Global, low-latency, broadband internet beamed down from satellites in space, operated and maintained by DAO.
Satellite Crop Monitoring
Real-time monitoring of crops at scale using satellites for improved agricultural management and decision-making.

DePIN DeFi Use Cases

DePIN DeFi is Decentralized Finance for machines, vehicles, robots, and devices and the DePINs they run on. Think financial institutions, but community-run.

EoT Exchanges (DEX)
Swap assets directly in your digital wallet. Eliminate middlemen for secure and transparent trades.
Machine Lending and Borrowing
Machines lend computational power or storage for tokens. Borrow resources from a decentralized network.
Machine Derivatives
Trade futures, options, and swaps on machine performance, all through decentralized smart contracts.
Automated Market Makers
Algorithm-controlled, community-run market makers for niche assets.
Machine Yield Farming
Lend machine resources to dApps and protocols, earning token rewards in return.
Machine Liquidity Mining Trading
Contribute to liquidity pools for decentralized machine services and earn tokens.
Decentralized Insurance
Community-governed insurance platform that distributes risk transparently.
Machine Tokenization and Asset Management
Tokenize machine capabilities for democratic asset trading and management.
Machine Crowfunding
Pool decentralized funds to invest in future machine projects and earn stakes.
EoT Exchanges (DEX)
Swap assets directly in your digital wallet. Eliminate middlemen for secure and transparent trades.
Automated Market Makers
Algorithm-controlled, community-run market makers for niche assets.
Machine Tokenization and Asset Management
Tokenize machine capabilities for democratic asset trading and management.
Machine Lending and Borrowing
Machines lend computational power or storage for tokens. Borrow resources from a decentralized network.
Machine Derivatives
Trade futures, options, and swaps on machine performance, all through decentralized smart contracts.
Machine Yield Farming
Lend machine resources to dApps and protocols, earning token rewards in return.
Machine Liquidity Mining
Contribute to liquidity pools for decentralized machine services and earn tokens.
Decentralized Insurance
Community-governed insurance platform that distributes risk transparently.
Machine Crowfunding
Pool decentralized funds to invest in future machine projects and earn stakes.

From idea to real-world impact.

Have a tangible impact by shifting the world’s vehicles, robots, and devices from corporate-controlled Web2, to community-governed Web3.
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